Guide Cover
Improving cattle handling for Better Returns
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Our bull selection manual explains what to look for when selecting a bull for breeding, including how to use genetics and EBVs, and judging if a bull is fit to work.
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Grass is an important crop and grazed grass is the cheapest feed on farm, yet it rarely earns the respect it deserves as a potentially high-quality, natural ruminant feed.
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There is more data being collected on sheep farms than ever before, but we need to make sure it is being used effectively.
Legume Innovation Network
Following the TRUE and LegValue EU projects this LinkedIn group with over 100 members continues to share resources for those interested in legume crops,
Scientia potentia est: knowledge is power. But understanding empowers. The purpose of the Legume Hub is to empower all interested in the development of legume crop production and use by providing…
Green pig logo
UK feeding industries rely heavily on imported soya bean meal (SBM) as the main protein source in monogastric feeds, including for pigs.
NCS Logo
Farmers working with scientists to achieve the best from pulse crops and reduce their carbon emissions.
Pea plant
Peas are a pulse crop that is part of the Leguminosae family.
Report Cover
Legumes form symbiotic relationships with soil bacteria called rhizobia. Rhizobia form nodules on legume roots where atmospheric nitrogen (N) from soil pores is fixed into plant-available N and fed…