AHDB Arable Soil Guide

Guidance from AHDB to help adapt arable cultivations on a rotational basis

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Cultivation, any mechanical act to prepare the soil to raise crops, is an essential feature of many crop production systems.
In some situations, ploughing is essential; in others, virtually no soil movement delivers the desired result. Most frequently, a careful combination of biology (e.g. roots and worms) and metal is the most efficient way to manage soil structure and remove any barriers to the movement of water, air and roots.

With a spotlight on the sustainability of arable farming, our Arable soil management guide shines a light on the numerous factors that influence the need to cultivate or restructure soils.

Top ten factors to consider when adopting a managed approach to cultivations

  • Rainfall
  • Soil
  • Management
  • Drainage
  • Residues/organic matter
  • Cover/catch crop
  • Trafficking
  • Irrigation
  • Pests
  • Weeds

View the AHDB Establishment Approach Assessment Tool


Autumn Cultivations webinar with Harry Henderson


Autumn Cultivations conversations with Philip Wright


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Helping you protect your soil and improve its productivity.  AHDB's GREATSoils inititiative brings together practical information on soil management as well as links to soils research and knowledge exchange. Whether you need an introduction to soil biology or a detailed guide to improving field drainage, AHDB has information and guidance to support you. 

Good soil structure is vital for optimising water and nutrient use efficiency; and for sustaining profitable cropping systems. Poor soil structure and compaction can reduce yields, restrict access for field operations, increase fuel use and, for high value root and vegetable crops, increase reliance on irrigation. Where there are clear signs of soil compaction, cultivations to remove the compaction may result in a yield benefit. Visual soil assessment is important to assess the extent and depth of compaction and to inform decisions on the most appropriate course of action.  

Share resources, groups and projects that you've found helpful for soil management.

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