The largest fertiliser producer in the Iberian peninsula.

Developing projects in Green Ammonia and bio-based fertilisers.

Leading B-Ferst EU project on advanced bio-based fertilisers

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Many projects across the world are looking to radically reduce the GHG costs of producing ammonia by using renewable electricity for hydrolysis, rather than the energy & natural gas intensive Haber-Bosch process.  This could reduce the GHG costs of N fertiliser, but the real drivers come from using ammonia in the energy chain.

To facilitate discussion at ACI European Mineral Fertiliser Summit

Currently, the farming sector faces a hard challenge: increasing land productivity in a sustainable way. Over the past decades, however, agri-food specialisation has often compromised the presence of soil nutrients. To reverse this trend, the fertiliser industry must supply renewable nutrients: this is possible only by improving the relationships between the farming sector and the bio-based industries.

Projects and companies are looking hard at recovering nutrients from bio-wastes and by-products to produce organo-mineral fertilisers