British Society of Soil Science Soil Carbon note image header showing title, BSSS logo, and farmland

Recent reports from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) highlight how human activity is changing the climate in unprecedented and sometimes irreversible ways. The reports make it clear that action to tackle climate change is an urgent priority.

Increasing the amount of Carbon stored in soil is beneficial from a climate change mitigation perspective, but how much C can be stored in this way?


This science note aims to:

• Set out the importance of C in soils, how it behaves, and the role it plays in supporting soil functions, delivering vital public goods and services, and helping societies adapt to and reduce the rate of climate change.

• Raise awareness of the main issues surrounding soil C and the actions that governments, communities and individuals can take.

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British Society of Soil Science Soil Carbon note image header showing title, BSSS logo, and farmland

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