Pelletised Biomass at Farm Scale: Diversified Revenue Potential

Expanding Domestic Biomass in the UK


Biomass is already widely used for low carbon energy generation and is projected to play an important role in meeting UK net zero targets. Demand is expected to start rising rapidly across the UK to supply large scale renewable bioenergy in electricity generation and emerging markets such as sustainable aviation fuels. This will require a substantial expansion in domestic biomass production to avoid an increased reliance on foreign import. 

White Horse Energy have recently secured funding through the BEIS Net Zero Innovation Portfolio under their Biomass Feedstocks programme, to develop a mobile pelletising technology to be deployed at farm level with capability to process a diverse range of agricultural residues, perennial energy crops and other biomass feedstocks into industrial standard pellets.

A prototype is currently being built and is due to enter the market in 2025.

A mobile, transportable unit allows for smaller, decentralised processing & aggregation hubs to be readily deployed across the UK.

Benefits for the Farmer:

  • Wider geographical area for biomass sourcing with increased transport efficiencies
  • Diversified & increased revenue potential
  • New market opportunities for UK farms
  • Potential year-round production with varied feedstocks Flexible scheduling

Our priority is to start a conversation across the arable sector to increase our understanding around the impacts the innovation will bring across different regions of the UK. Similarly, understanding differing opinions around biomass feedstocks, whether these be practical, economic or related to scope and availability, will be crucial to deliver a versatile solution that addresses a wide range of needs.

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