Soil Testing

Among legume crops, forage peas and field beans show the most symptoms of legume fatigue.

Among legume crops, forage peas and field beans show the most symptoms of legume fatigue. This is due to infestation with DidymellaFusariumAphanomyces and other root rot pathogens as a result of over-cultivation of peas or other legumes such as lupines, field beans, vetches, red clover or lucerne. A heavy infestation may lead to a total loss of the peas or beans.

The method in this practice abstract offers reference points regarding the soil contamination with the above-mentioned pathogens, and thus indication for a possibly required cultivation break. Refraining from cultivating on contaminated soils helps avoid high yield loss due to legume fatigue.

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Soil is an essential natural resource for all farmers. Over recent years many initiatives have sought to provide information and advice on soils and Soil Health, notably AHDB Great Soils. 

Pulses are leguminous crops harvested for dry protein-rich seed, with peas (pisum sativum) and beans (vicia faba) being the major crops in the UK.

Diseases infect susceptible plant hosts, where environmental conditions favor disease development. Infected crops achieve lower yields and the quality of the produce can also be affected.

Legume is the commonly used name for the family of flowering plants, Fabaceae. Any plant in the Fabaceae family that has leaves, stems and pods are referred to as a Legume.

Field beans (vicia faba) are a widely grown break crop across the UK on around 170,000 ha. 

Peas (pisum sativum) are grown either for combining dry seed (combining peas) or harvesting fresh as a vegetable or for freezing (vining peas).

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