Times Agriculture is your authoritative resource for comprehensive agricultural knowledge. Delving beyond the fundamentals of agronomy, paddy cultivation, and subsistence farming, we explore cutting-…
Calibrate Energy Engineering design, install and maintain heat pump technologies for farming clients UK-wide.  
Remote Aerial Surveys (RAS) combines the latest advances in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) with innovative uses of imaging equipment to perform a wide range of high quality mapping & aerial…
ADAS provides ideas, specialist knowledge and solutions to secure our food and enhance the environment. We understand food production and the challenges and opportunities faced by organisations…
AminoA products are natural bio-stimulants obtained through enzymatic hydrolysis. We use only high quality, stringently selected raw material. The production method guarantees that the final product…
The FarmSmarter app is an agri-tech decision making service aimed at smallholder farmers.  Our primary focus is to support smallholder farmers in achieving sustainable profitable production…
Our expertise in plant nutrition enables us to meet customer needs in crop health, efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Having been established for over 25 years, our bespoke range of products includes…
Native Beecare works with NGOs, CBOs, Women groups , Men groups, youth groups and individuals in supply of modern bee hives(Langstroth beehives), bee equipment, bee products honey, wax , propolis,…
Birds are my business. When converting bird and wildlife data into valuable, usable information, doesn't it pay to know precisely which habitats deliver high values of Avian Natural Capital and which…
LEAF (Linking Environment And Farming) is the leading charity organisation delivering more sustainable food and farming. They work with farmers, the food industry, scientists and consumers, to…
Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC) was established in 2012 through the merger of the Scottish Agricultural College (SAC) with Barony, Elmwood and Oatridge Colleges. Through these institutions, we can…
The Farm Carbon Toolkit was created by farmers for farmers. For over a decade, we’ve worked to further the understanding of greenhouse gas emissions in agriculture. We provide tools and services to…
As a specialist postgraduate university, Cranfield’s world-class expertise, large-scale facilities and unrivalled industry partnerships are creating leaders in technology and management globally
The James Hutton Institute combines strengths in crops, soils and land use and environmental research, and makes a major contribution to the understanding of key global issues, such as food, energy…
The Allerton Project researches the effects of different farming methods on wildlife and the environment, sharing results of our research through advisory and educational activities. This is…
Agrii harnesses the power of skilled agronomists and the best intelligence to deliver unrivalled expertise and support for sustainable and profitable farming systems in the UK. 
The British On-Farm Innovation Network   A network of farmers who carry out their own on-farm trials and share the results, seeking a scientifically robust way to progress farm practice.
As the UK's centre of excellence for peas and beans, the PGRO has a long and highly valued track record of providing authoritative, up to date information and project work based on solid, reliable…