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Join us to kick-off the IPM Network pilot year, share your experiences with other attendees, tap into the expertise of our speakers and demonstrate the value of networks for knowledge exchange.  

16th February 2024. Time: 10:00- 15:30  

Lyth Building, Brackenhurst campus, Nottingham Trent University.   

Refreshments and lunch will be provided for attendees. Parking is available on site and is free of charge. 


Farmers, advisors, researchers, policy-makers & industry representatives are invited to join us for our IPM NET Pilot year kick-off meeting.  

Whether you have extensive or limited experience in IPM, we welcome farmers and advisors who are keen on exploring the development of a knowledge exchange network to facilitate advancements in IPM for all. This meeting aims to provide you with valuable insights, practical knowledge, and a platform for open conversation. We look forward to your participation and to collectively exploring the potential for an IPM Network to advance our understanding and on-farm implementation of IPM.  

The IPM NET kick-off meeting will  

  • Bring together farmers, researchers, policy-makers & industry.  

  • Share IPM approaches, experiences and discuss innovative ideas.  

  • Discuss the needs of an IPM Network and how we could provide these in the IPM NET Pilot year and beyond.   

  • Ensure that IPM NET pilot members know what the next 12 months of IPM NET looks like and have the opportunity to share their requirements for the network.    

Make sure to register for this event here 


The meeting will include a plenary talk from invited farmers and interactive discussions on:  

Success stories and lessons learned: Hear from experienced farmers who have successfully implemented IPM practices and lessons that have been learnt as part of a network of farmers and advisors 

Challenges of IPM benchmarking: Discuss the challenges you have faced with IPM and how we can address these as a community.   

Innovation in IPM: Learn about novel IPM approaches, their effectiveness and gather ideas for your strategy.  



  • 09:30-10:00  Arrival and Refreshments
  • 10:00-10:05  Welcome and Housekeeping. Dr Sarah Kendall
  • 10:05-10:30  Plenary: David Felce, Midloe Grange Farm

David Felce of Midloe Grange Farm and  R.C Felce & Son (established 1954) will discuss his motivations and considerations for Integrated Pest Management and how networking has influenced his approach.

  • 10:30 – 11:00 IPM – How to address the challenges. Dr Neil Paveley 
  • 11:00 – 11:50  Breakout session 1 – IPM in practiceInteractive discussion led by Ella Bradfield
  • 11:50- 12:20  Break and Refreshments
  • 12:20 – 13:05 Collecting observation data and results from the Defra Pest and Disease survey. Dr Ellie Dearlove, Dr Isabelle Simms and Dr Duncan Coston 
  • 13:05 – 13:50  Lunch 
  • 13:50 – 14:20 Bringing Novel Approaches onto farm. Andrew Christie (James Hutton Institute)  

Sharing examples of IPM case studies and how knowledge exchange networks can evolve IPM strategies.

  • 14:20- 15:00 Breakout session 2 – Ideas Lab. Interactive discussion on IPM innovation
  • 15:00 -15:20 Wrap up and close. Dr Mark Ramsden



IPM NET is a new initiative which aims to improve the practical understanding and application of integrated pest management (for pests, weeds and diseases) for farmers,  and inform policy design promoting IPM strategies.  

 IPM NET is an open IPM Network, enabling benchmarking of critical IPM metrics and facilitating sharing of knowledge. The network will enable members to collect, interpret, and share knowledge and information from farms to better understand the effectiveness of IPM approaches and the impact on yield, quality, and profitability. 


The network is open to any interested individual or organisation – commercial, academic or other, from the UK, Europe or beyond to advance knowledge and implementation of IPM. The network will be overseen by a steering committee of national experts and supported by industry bodies in collaboration with complementary projects and initiatives. 

We are currently looking for around 30 arable farms to be involved in an IPM Pilot Network 2024. 

Eligible members are farmers and/or advisors of farms with the following characteristics: 

  • Based in the UK (or a country with similar farming conditions) 

  • Willing and able to provide data for arable rotation  

  • Willing to share and discuss you IPM strategy and associated data 

  • Farm field(s) of wheat, barley, beans, oil seed rape and/or potatoes to be harvested in 2024 

Membership for eligible farms is free. Find more details here or contact [email protected]. Attending the kick-off meeting does not commit you to participating in the IPM NET Pilot.  

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