Orius Laevigatus

The introduction of natural enemies (biological controls) has become a common method for dealing with certain pests.

This advice sheet from Farming Connect explains the use of biological control agents on farms. It gives examples of IPM strategies for increasing numbers of natural enemies with information on pros and cons of specific strategies.

Download the advice sheet below.

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Integrated Pest Management highlights the growth of a healthy crop with the least possible disruption to agro-ecosystems and encourages natural pest control mechanisms. IPM is one of the tools for low-pesticide-input pest management, and IPM must now be implemented by all professional agchem users.

Knowledge and business support for farmers in Wales

Invertebrate pests cause problems in agriculture when the level of injury they cause reaches a point where the crop yield is significantly reduced.   

This section is focused on the predators and parasitoids of key crop pests.