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The headline may appear defeatist from the off, but the wet 2023-24 autumn and winter period will impact many crops already sown and those intended to be sown in the coming spring, says Dick Neale (Hutchinsons Technical Manager).

The February 2024 issue of Hutchinsons' Fieldwise newsletter offers advice on crops with low yield potential. The wet autumn and winter of the 2023/24 growing season has meant that for many, these are considerations that should be taken. 

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Industry Leading Agronomists.  With many farming clients, representing over one million hectares, Hutchinsons are a leading agricultural and horticultural input advice and supply company.

The major commodity crops in the UK are wheat, barley, oilseed rape, field beans, sugar beet and potatoes, but around half of agricultural land grows grass.   

Share information, knowledge, resources and experience on how we can improve crop perfomance (yield, quality and profitability) whilst reducing reliance on input, reducing impacts and improving environmental performance.

Crop yield has been a major subject of research and industrial improvement for decades.  The YENs have set out a framework for understoanding yield in terms of capture and conversion of the major resources light and water. Temperature plays a role in crop development and can also have a substantial impact on growth and yields.