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Soil in hands

This webinar will be comprised of three presentations. Matteo Poggia, Agrocares, Netherlands will describe Practical application of fusing spectroscopic techniques in routine soil analysis: Lab-in-a-Box (LiaB) concept. This will be followed by Prof. Uri Yermiyahu, Volcani Institute, Israel and  Sanjay Namdev Biradar, ICL Fertilisers India who will present the science and operational experiences of the ICLeaf crop leaf scanning technology.

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Practical application of fusing spectroscopic techniques in routine soil analysis: Lab-in-a-Box (LiaB) concept

Matteo Poggia, Agrocares, Netherlands

Modern spectroscopic techniques give an opportunity to analyse soil samples more time and cost effectively, while eliminating the need to use substances harmful to the operator and the environment. Above that, their simplicity of operation allows to expand the circle of users as no thorough “know-how” of analytical chemistry is needed. Most interesting is that these attributes do not have to come at the expense of accuracy. The improvements in instrument manufacturing, computing power and advanced calibration modelling algorithms have provided the tools to realize a sensor fusion concept combining mid-Infrared spectroscopy and X-ray fluorescence that meets these criteria: the Lab-in-a-Box (LiaB). In this webinar, we will briefly discuss the theoretical background, demonstrate the procedure, while highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of the process.

The science and operational experiences of the ICLeaf crop leaf scanning technology

Prof. Uri Yermiyahu, Volcani Institute, Israel and  Sanjay Namdev Biradar, ICL Fertilisers India

Uri will discuss Reforming crops’ Mineral Diagnostics by Chemometrics

World farming requires precision fertilization to eliminate contaminations, improve crops’ productivity, and ensure sustainability. Yet, chemical mineral analyses are overly expensive and labour-intensive to substantiate large datasets of plants’ nutritional status, rendering farming to rely on discrete measurements for fertilization updates. Hence, we set to restructure nutritional diagnostics in agriculture. First, we developed a unique experimental setup to produce a wide range of mineral concentrations in multiple crops. Then, we turned to analytical tools in alternative industries, mainly NIR and X-ray fluorescence used by the mining and pharmaceutical industries for mineral analyses. Finally, we integrated an array of statical tools to adjust chemometric tools to the mineral matrices in various plant tissues. The novel chemometric projections fitted chemical analyses of macro and micro-elements’ concentrations in multiple crops (e.g., vine, tomato, almond, citrus, and avocado leaves). The error range was ±5% of laboratory analyses (corresponding to common variability between laboratory assays), and repetitions were redundant. Moreover, it is a rapid analysis, and its procurement costs are significantly lower than current laboratory practices. We recently extended our efforts to the extension and commercial sectors, supporting field laboratories in India and Israel. Now, we are set to survey numerous crops throughout all their phenological stages at various growth conditions and produce the large datasets required for modern decision-support algorithms to guide farming.

Sanjay will then describe the operational experiences of using the technology, covering:

Protocols and collection of leaf samples

Processing the samples in the lab

Generating reports

Impact on Yield,

Quality Improvement

Impact on Fertiliser application

Impact on cost saving on fertiliser application

Social Impact- sustainability.

This webinar should be worth 2 BASIS FACTS CPD points, which have been applied for.

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