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Workshops for PulsePEP community members on using the Farm Carbon Calculator from Farm Carbon Toolkit for carbon emission baselining as part of the Nitrogen Climate Smart Project.

Why should I Carbon Baseline my farm?

The NCS project aims to unlock the power of UK grown pulses to cut agricultural greenhouse gas emissions. A major aim of the NCS project is to investigate the climate impact of increased pulse cropping frequency on farms so we can be sure about any benefits we think we might see. In order to do this, we would like to gather data from 200 UK farms to be able to use real world information to get as robust and reliable picture as possible. The Farm Carbon Calculator from Farm Carbon Toolkit can capture this information at farm level so we have a wholistic view of the GHG impact of increasing pulse cropping frequency, taking into account all activities that different rotational choices cause on farm.

An added benefit is that the Farm Carbon Calculator will give you a personalised breakdown of emissions on your own farm, and even better - it's free!

Join as a PulsePEP member (this is free – complete the form below the Pulse Pioneer sign-up form or by following this link: https://nt81r5aq6lg.typeform.com/to/CRGRAZBN

Details of the two zoom workshops below.

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In 2015, the UK pledged to be Net Zero by 2050, with the NFU striving for the more ambitious target of 2040. Net Zero is achieved when the amount of greenhouse gases (GHG) emitted is balanced with those removed from the atmosphere. This helps to combat climate change and reduce global warming.

Pulses are leguminous crops harvested for dry protein-rich seed, with peas (pisum sativum) and beans (vicia faba) being the major crops in the UK.

The Farm Carbon Toolkit was created by farmers for farmers. For over a decade, we’ve worked to further the understanding of greenhouse gas emissions in agriculture. We provide tools and services to measure impact and run projects with farmers that inspire action on the ground. Our vision is a farming sector that minimises its carbon emissions and maximises its carbon sequestration, whilst producing quality food and a wide range of public goods, all produced by resilient and profitable farm businesses. Some people call this vision a regenerative farming future.  

Climate change threatens our ability to ensure global food security, eradicate poverty and achieve sustainable development. In 2016, 31 percent of global emissions originating from human activity came from agrifood systems.

The key GHGs for agriculture that contribute directly to climate change are:  Carbon dioxide (CO2)  Methane (CH4)  Nitrous oxide (N2O)   All these GHGs are often grouped under the umbrella term ‘carbon’.