social media

Social media platforms are an important source of knowledge exchange for many in agriculture, especially peer to peer.

The Farming Forum is the largest platform focussed on farming in the UK. 

Twitter is widely used by many across all sectors, and can be very influential.

Facebook is used by many farmers, less so by researchers and industry professionals

Linkedin is used by professionals, less so by farmers

Researchers can use ResearchGate, but this is not accessible to non researchers.

Farm-PEP will hopefully help across the communities and platforms.


Useful social media pages and groups

The Farming Forum  
@FarmersoftheUK on Twitter  
@AgrichatUK on Twitter  
#Clubhectare on Twitter  


Share any useful social media locations you know of in the comments section below




Related Organisations

Content below is from across the PEP community and is not necessarily endorsed by Stewards or by PEP

Connected Content

Introducing Naturestimeline and Tony William Powell. Benchmarking Birds. A Freelance Contractor offering clients bespoke Avian conservation monitoring projects.  

FarmPEP aims to connect the many networks, communities and groups across Agriculture. Add your network as a Group and connect to the 'Networks' Topic to have your network show up below. 

There are increasing numbers of podcasts and video channels available across agriculture. Share and recommend your favourites here.

The farming press is a very important route to disseminating knowledge across the industry.  A range of newsletters serving a host of communities help keep people up to date. Share here sources of news and info that you find most useful.

What web resources do you find useful to find and share knowledge?

Knowledge Exchange in Agriculture in the UK is diverse, with many organisations involved. That is part of the reason for creating Farm-PEP, to help provide connections to what many percieve as a fragmented landscape.

Agro Mavens helps you and your business get talked about in the world of agriculture and agritech. A specialist marketing and communications agency for agriculture, from our base in the UK we work with agriculturally active brands all around the world, from multinationals to start-ups.

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