The Knowledge Exchange Hub is a joint collaboration between Farming Connect and IBERS, Aberystwyth University.

Its purpose is to:

  • provide an interface between researchers, advisory professionals and farmers/foresters
  • increase the uptake of research outcomes in land based businesses across Wales
  • increase researchers’ awareness of ground-based issues and solutions

Related Organisations

Connected Content

Farm-PEP aims to bring together all the sources of useful knowledge for Agriculture, whether from academic science, applied research projects, industry trials, farmers own trials or simple on-farm experience. Listed below are useful websites, organisations and websites that we know of.  Add any we've missed in the comments box or by adding as new content, or better still, as a new Group.  

Knowledge and business support for farmers in Wales

Knowledge Exchange in Agriculture in the UK is diverse, with many organisations involved. That is part of the reason for creating Farm-PEP, to help provide connections to what many percieve as a fragmented landscape.