Peas are a very important crop to growers as they provide a valuable spring sown break crop which supplies product for processing, seed, food and feed uses.
This Peas and Beans Crop Walkers' Guide is aimed at assisting growers, agronomists and their staff in the vital task of monitoring crops.
Soya bean crop
Soya agronomy is well established and straightforward.
IPM Tool logo
This guidance documents provides advice on IPM measures for pulses insect pests and diseases.
Guide Cover
Though peas and beans have long been a trusted part of cropping rotations, it is perhaps only recently that the scope and value of their potential is being realised.
Image of new trials guide
ADAS have produced a new guide with our five top tips for successful on-farm trials. We'd love you to give it a try and to hear about what products or approaches you're testing on farm - by sharing…
Front cover of Guide
Guidance from ADAS Agronomics on how best to conduct Line Trials on farm.  
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Welcome to the new PGRO Pulse Descriptive Lists for 2023. 
PGRO have conducted trials testing a range of biostimulants on spring beans, vining peas and combining peas in seasons from 2018 to 2021.
In the context of increased N fertilizer prices and efforts to minimize C footprints of food production, it is worth considering how to maximise biologically fixed N from pulse crops and its…