During the conference expert speakers will review the disease, weed and invertebrate pest challenges in the UK during the 2023-24 season. In the afternoon there will be an IPM workshops, supporting agronomists and farmers to review and improve IPM strategies.
Session 1 – Highlights from 2024
- Defra Pest and Disease Survey Julie Smith, ADAS
- Horticultural IPM Rosemary Collier, Warwick Uni
- Weed management Lynn Tatnell, ADAS
- Pesticide Resistance Management, Rosie Bryson, ADAS
- Panel discussion
Session 2 – IPM on farm
- Defra update on IPM Holly Alpren, Defra
- Results from the IPMNET project Ella Bradfield ADAS
- Implementing IPM on farm David Bell, Fairfield Farms
- The benefits of an IPM Plan John Gadsby, ALM
- Supporting resources for IPM Mark Ramsden, ADAS
~Free networking Lunch~
IPM Scenario Testing Workshop
During the afternoon attendees will take part in an IPM Scenario Testing workshop.
The aim of this workshop is to support farmers and agronomists assess how they might respond to potential changes in pest management options.
The workshop is only available to in-person attendees