We are delighted to be able to invite you to attend this Farm Walk to hear from the team at Lockerley Estate about how they are working to reduce farm-based emissions whilst storing more carbon into…
Opportunities and constraints for conventional farming systems on rewetted peat soils
SOM Test
This Best4Soil video provides an introduction to the topic of soil organic matter, benefits and how to protect and increase soil organic matter on your field. At the end of the video, you will find…
Video Thumbnail
Cover crops and green manures have multiple positive effects on the soil health. But like all methods, this best practice has also some disadvantages.
Guide Cover
This guide is designed to help Pulse Pioneers to upload their trials to PulsePEP as part of the NCS Project.
Blue lupins
Investigating whether lupin can become a sustainable alternative for imported soya is being explored in a collaborative project, part of the sustainable farm-based protein competition funded by Defra…
FCT Logo
Workshops for PulsePEP community members on using the Farm Carbon Calculator from Farm Carbon Toolkit for carbon emission baselining as part of the Nitrogen Climate Smart Project.
Diverse Forage crop
The objective of this farmer-led research trial was to investigate a new approach to winter feed provision for livestock that considers the overall health of the farm system, including soil health,…
FAS Logo
FAS TV is a weekly show designed for farmers and crofters which recreates traditional on-farm visits.
Event Logo
Open Farm Sun­day, 9th June 2024 is farm­ing’s annu­al open day giv­ing vis­i­tors the oppor­tu­ni­ty to learn more about farm­ing and the coun­try­side, and farm­ers the chance to talk about what…