Image of germination test

The UK Vegetable Genebank (UKVGB) manages a collection of approximately 14,000 samples of vegetable crops such as cauliflower, carrot, kale and onions which are essential for a balanced and healthy diet

Genetic diversity in crops is essential to ensure we all have access to nutritious food now and in the future.

Plant breeders, researchers and growers need to access new sources of genetic variation in order to develop and produce new crop varieties. New varieties need to have greater resilience to unfavourable environments, and a lower need for inputs such as water, fertilizer and pesticides - and they need to look and taste good.

Our conservation work means that seed from wild species related to crops, farmer-developed landraces other varieties remain available for use. This enables plant breeders and researchers to access the widest range of diversity possible.

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Warwick Crop Centre is a national centre of excellence for research on fresh produce. We provide post-graduate training and specialise in research projects promoting sustainable agriculture, horticulture and food security.

An interactive network of researchers and industry leaders, who work together to promote market delivery of improved vegetable varieties using sustainable production systems.

A facility using gene-editing technology to improve quality, resilience and sustainability of vegetable crops.

This webinar considers the opportunities and technologies available for breeding new varieties of vegetables in the future.