About us
The Vegetable Genetic Improvement Network (VeGIN) was initiated with funding from Defra. The Network brings together research focused on key vegetable crops and encourages collaborations between industry and researchers to address how genetic improvement of crop varieties can contribute to a sustainable increase in food production to meet the twin challenges of food security and climate change. Key contributions are being delivered by both University of Warwick and Harper Adams university. Industrial partners play an invaulable role and provide feedback on the work being undertaken.
VeGIN brings together research on the genetic improvement of carrot, onion, leafy vegetables and salads. It benefits from knowledge arising from satellite projects funded by industry and other government funders and provide underpinning resources for such projects.
VeGIN's sector focused research
The major UK vegetable crops; Brassica, Lettuce, Carrot and Onion are substantial components of the UK farming industry. These all make an important contribution to a healthy UK diet and contribute to our food security.
The aims of VeGIN are:
- To develop the genetic resources and tools to accelerate breeding for “sustainability traits” in field vegetables
- To establish an effective network with industry, for knowledge transfer to promote market delivery of R&D