Soil cross section
Earthworms are an excellent indicator of soil health given their many crucial roles and sensitivity to issues such as low pH, compaction, water logging and intensive cultivations.
Join us for an insightful day at the Oxford FAI Farm where we will be showcasing the groundbreaking progress of 'bigger steps for smaller footprints towards climate-positive beef', funded by the…
Use our practical videos of on-farm tasks to help train and refresh staff and boost pig production.
Guide Cover
This guide provides a good basis for achieving high-quality products.
Bales of Hay
This recording from the Oxford Real Farming Conference is of a discussion between farmers involved in the Innovative Farmers Bale grazing project.
Event Poster
Discover more about how the YEN works in this webinar and how it could help your agricultural suppliers become more resilient, more productive, and even more environmentally friendly.
In October 2023 on behalf of AgriSearch, ADAS soil scientists conducted a full review of Nutrient Management Planning Tools (NMPTs) available for forage crops in Northern Ireland.
I propose Communities Carbon Calculator, which is about designing eco-friendly, low-carbon, energy-efficient, resilient and sustainable production and consumption systems for the diverse…
Rural Landscape
This project aims to bring some clarity on the extent to which commonly used tools diverge in their estimates of carbon footprint for a range of well-defined reference systems.