Public Goods Tool


The Public Goods Tool (PG Tool) has been in constant use since its creation in 2011 (

The Public Goods Tool (PG Tool) has been in constant use since its creation in 2011 (, with a variety of adaptations and custom versions created to assess the sustainability of a range of farms and land-use types across Europe. This most recent development now opens up the PG Tool for access to anyone who is interested, complemented with a new online interface allowing for a smoother data inputting process.

This online version has been created through the EU Horizon Re-Livestock project in collaboration with MVARC (

A full user guide can be found here (

Details about the development of the PG Tool and future use can be found here (

The github repository for the PG Tool Online can be found here (

For past versions of the PG Tool, please contact the relevant ORC team member.

Link to tool

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The Organic Research Centre (ORC) is the UK's leading independent organic research organisation. Changing the future of food and farming.

  Decision Support Systems (DSS) in agriculture are computer-based tools designed to assist farmers, agricultural managers, and other stakeholders in making informed decisions related to various aspects of agricultural production and management.

Farming is intricately connected to the environment in various ways. The relationship between agriculture and the environment is a critical aspect of modern farming practices. Please share information, resources, tools and experiences on the multifaceted dimensions of how farming intersects with the environment.