Brown rust in beans
Diseases infect susceptible plant hosts, where environmental conditions favor disease development. Infected crops achieve lower yields and the quality of the produce can also be affected.
Spreading Solid Fertiliser
Fertilisers, especially nitrogen, give some of the biggest environmental impacts of any inputs, from both their manufacture and their application.  A range of innovative approaches are being…
Leaf spot
Leaf Spot (Pyrenophora avenae) is specific to oats. 
Ramularia (Ramularia collo-cygni) is a disease that affects only winter and spring barley. 
Crown rust symptoms
Crown rust (Puccinia coronata) is a fungus that is specific to oats. 
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Wilding landscape
The concept of Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) is an important component of the UK Government's ambitions to reverse biodiversity loss. It provides a framework for ensuring that development and land…
Biodiversity encompasses all the variety of life on Earth from genes to species, populations, communities and ecosystems. In ecological and environmental sectors, we mostly refer to the biodiversity…
N fixation diagram by Nefronus
Some symbiotic or free-living microorganisms can fix inert di-nitrogen (N) from the air into reactive organic nitrogenous compounds.  Most biological N fixation (BNF) in farming systems occurs in the…
The use of robotics is rapidly developing in agriculture, with large and small autonomous vehicles becoming commercially available.