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ADAS provides ideas, specialist knowledge and solutions to secure our food and enhance the environment. We understand food production and the challenges and opportunities faced by organisations operating in the natural environment

The major commodity crops in the UK are wheat, barley, oilseed rape, field beans, sugar beet and potatoes, but around half of agricultural land grows grass.   

Independent Review for Defra led by Prof Simon Pearson: Executi

This topic refers to the whole food supply chain, from farm fork, and all the products and services that contribute to food production.

The INNO-VEG project aims to increase the speed and uptake of innovation in the field vegetable and potato sectors by: Defining and implementing a new approach for delivering cost-effective research. Establishing a cross border innovation network which will create the framework conditions for innovation to facilitate uptake of the new approach.

Connecting companies that are developing technologies to commercialise sustainable agriculture.

Once upon a time the UK had a clever, innovative thriving horticultural industry. Sales were local and to markets and shop in towns across the UK. We have lost this industry and all that is left are massive businesses on thousands of acres supplying supermarkets and very small scale growers.  

Antobot is an award-winning start-up providing affordable robotics for sustainable agriculture. Combining cutting-edge hardware and software with a world-first embedded AI and controls system for agri-robots, we make fully digitised precision farming available for all.  

At ADAS Boxworth, a range of Horticultural trials take place both on-site and on growers/farmers' land in order to provide unbiased scientific advice to growers and farmers aroud the UK.

Agri-tech businesses, farmers, growers and researchers can now apply for a share of £12.5m for developing cutting-edge innovation in automation and robotics.

This chapter covers the definition of biostimulants, brief summary of various categories, and how they are used for promoting plant growth, building soil structure, imparting stress tolerance, and contribute to pest and disease suppression. Strategies for using biostimulants as a part of IPM and some challenges and future opportunities were also discussed.

    What is the Kymina

Report from EIT Food North-West with Innovate UK KTN on exploring opportunities for Controlle

Scientific paper reviewing commercial solutions for mapping yield of horticultural crops:

Please share resources, information and experiences, relating to food itself. 

ADAS Horticulture specialises in all areas of commercial horticulture production. We are well established as impartial advisors in the soft fruit, vegetable, protected edible and ornamental sectors.

This face to face workshop at ADAS Postharvest Innovation Centre in Chatteris, Cambridgeshire, will showcase advances in storage technologies and supply chain management to reduce post-harvest losses.

Warwick Crop Centre is a national centre of excellence for research on fresh produce. We provide post-graduate training and specialise in research projects promoting sustainable agriculture, horticulture and food security.

The AAB Horticultural Quality and Food Loss Specialist Group are delighted to organise a two-day event that brings together researchers working on both fundamental and applied research in Horticultural Crops.

Using the predatory mite Typhlodromus pyri can be a successful biological control solution for these sucking pests.

The University of Warwick recently announced the formation of Warwick Agri-Tech to help the future of farming with automation – addressing issues such as labour shortages, food insecurity and loss of biodiversity.

These documents are designed for use by growers and agronomists in Europe to inform them on smart technologies and methodologies available to them for Integrated Pest Management (IPM) solutions in open-field and greenhouse systems.

This guide for fresh produce growers explains how you can increase crop utilisation and profitability through measuring food waste in five simple steps.

Across the horticulture sector, production efficiency and waste avoidance are key to cutting emissions from farms.

There has been a lot of interest in strip tillage among vegetable growers recently.  

This webinar, part of an EU project, Liveseeding working on organic seed use and quality, and delivered by Bingenheimer Saatgut AG aims to explain the procedure, effects and efficiency of hot water treatments, critical points to avoid damaging seed, and equipment needed for treating seed on small and larger scales.

Opportunities and constraints for conventional farming systems on rewetted peat soils

Because variables such as temperature and humidity have a profound effect on the activity of crop pests, diseases and natural enemies, the ability to monitor environmental conditions within a crop has always been important for crop protection.

The Fungicide Resistance Action Group (FRAG) produces guidance on pesticide resistance issues. Hosted by AHDB, this information can be used to help protect crops and the long-term efficacy of fungicides.

Report for AHDB Abstract The AHDB is developing a What Works Centre for agriculture and

AHDB Project 2014-2017 - PF Hort - A Review of Precision Farming Techniques for Improved Soil and

Nathan Richards of Troed Y Rhiw farm, Ceredigion, will talk to us about a particular aspect of agroforestry under cover, using stone fruit.

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