Pea YEN Historic to 2023 data analysis growth stage dates
Perhaps due to lower cropping area, resources for fundamental research of peas in the UK has lagged behind that of the major crops. This means that whilst we have fantastic agronomy guides from PGRO…
Farm Carbon Calculator Logo
This page is designed to give information to PulsePEP community members on using the Farm Carbon Calculator from Farm Carbon Toolkit for carbon emission baselining as part of the Nitrogen Climate…
Preview of video
Recording from session at Groundswell 2022 with summary below from Agricology
Arable Landscape
Nitrogen residue following different crops is an important consideration in the N fertiliser requirement of the subsequent crop and one of the key determinants of N fertiliser recommendations in the…
Tractor Fertiliser
The study measured the N available after spring-sown peas, field beans or autumn sown cereals in eastern England and the subsequent response of winter wheat to fertiliser nitrogen.  
Pulse plant diagram
Measurements of N2O were made using static flux chambers for a 24 month period from sowing to 12 months after harvest.
NCS Logo
Farmers working with scientists to achieve the best from pulse crops and reduce their carbon emissions.
Guide Cover
Though peas and beans have long been a trusted part of cropping rotations, it is perhaps only recently that the scope and value of their potential is being realised.