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insect protein
Black Soldier Fly (BSF) larvae are an alternative source of protein for animal feed, having an insatiable appetite consuming large amounts of organic material from both plants and animals. This…
A combination of sustainability, health & animal welfare concerns are pushing a shift away from meat in our diets to alternative proteins.
photography by drone  -see
Lots of people and organisations take photos in agriculture, of people, landscapes, fields, buildings, machines, animals, crops, insects, plants, the natural environment or just the countryside.  
This Topic doesn't yet have a Stewarded summary, but connected groups, content and organisations show below.
Many of the most telling innovations that make a difference on-farm come from farmers themselves, or from close collaboration between farmers, advisors, industry and researchers
AHDB Monitor Farm
FarmPEP aims to connect the many networks, communities and groups across Agriculture. Add your network as a Group and connect to the 'Networks' Topic to have your network show up below. 
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soil handful
Soil organic matter (OM) is all living or once-living materials in the soil.  OM provides a direct source of energy/food for many soil organisms: it is the fuel in the soil food web.  Turnover of OM…