Direct Drilling with seed drill
Direct drilling, also known as no-till farming or zero-till farming, is an agricultural practice that involves planting crops without prior ploughing or cultivation of the soil.
Rows of wheat crop
Crop protection refers to practices and measures employed in agriculture to safeguard crops from both biotic (pests, diseases and weeds) and abiotic (environmental factors) stresses. They key goal of…
DNA double helix
Gene editing is a molecular technique that can be used in agriculture to modify the DNA of plants and animals to improve their traits. 
Wilding landscape
Rewilding is an approach to restoring biodiversity and ecosystem health by working towards returning habitats back to their natural state. Rewilding is commonly misrepresented as the reintroduction…
This page is to connect organisations, projects and resources that have an interest in improving the quality of our water sources.
Farming is intricately connected to the environment in various ways. The relationship between agriculture and the environment is a critical aspect of modern farming practices. Please share…
Help us collate the knowledge sources, organisations and initiatives out there that are seeking to improve the farmed environment
Please share resources, information and experiences, relating to food itself. 
Although the term management implies direct manipulation, the practice of wildlife conservation and management includes efforts aimed at preserving or restoring rare species and their habitats and…
smoking chimneys
The key GHGs for agriculture that contribute directly to climate change are:  Carbon dioxide (CO2)  Methane (CH4)  Nitrous oxide (N2O)   All these GHGs are often grouped under the umbrella term ‘…