fertiliser spreader
Nitrogen Use Efficiency is a widely used term increasingly discussed across industry and between farmers. However it can mean different things to different people, and is best defined with care.
tractor fertilising
Nitrogen is required annually by most crops (except pulses) to achieve yield and quality. Judging how much N to apply is a key part of nutrient management.
Soil is an essential natural resource for all farmers. Over recent years many initiatives have sought to provide information and advice on soils and Soil Health, notably AHDB Great Soils. 
Field beans (vicia faba) are a widely grown break crop across the UK on around 170,000 ha. 
Peas (pisum sativum) are grown either for combining dry seed (combining peas) or harvesting fresh as a vegetable or for freezing (vining peas).
Willow, a fast-growing and versatile plant, has gained prominence as a biomass crop due to its numerous applications and environmental benefits. Willow's suitability for biomass production arises…
Miscanthus, a tall, perennial grass, has gained recognition as a promising biomass crop due to its rapid growth, high biomass yield, and versatility in applications.
miscanthus crop
Perennial biomass crops like miscanthus and short rotation coppice have the potential to meet energy demands as renewable fuels, helping to reduce GHG emissions and strive towards Net Zero.
wheat at harvest
Grain protein content and quality is one of the most important determinants of functionality of cereals, defining whether wheat grain is suitable for milling for bread making or biscuit making.
SFI offers payments to farmers to carry out farming activities in a more environmentally sustainable way so that they can produce environmental goods and services alongside food.