CSF Leaflet
Guide explaining what Catchment Sensitive Farming (CSF) can do for your business. Catchment Sensitive Farming Advisers work with farmers to produce food in a way that protects water, air and soil;…
Land sharing or land sparing
Land sparing and land sharing are two different perspectives on land management towards improving global biodiversity, 
UK Parliament logo
In July 2022 the Science and Technology Committee of the House of Commons took evidence on how to unlock the potential of agricultural science and technology.
Ergot is a fungus that grows on rye, triticale, wheat and barley, and to a lesser extent, oats. It also affects a wide range of grasses, particularly blackgrass. Although the disease has a relatively…
The Encyclopedia of Oilseed rape diseases front cover
The encyclopedia of oilseed rape diseases is a guide that was created by ADAS and BASF to help growers identify and understand diseases of OSR. As well as highlight emerging threats such as…
YEN Zero figure
An overview of the greenhouse gas costs of cropping, including an analysis of YEN data in lead up to establishing YEN Zero.  Also includes an analysis of the relationship between nitrogen fertiliser…
Ploughing - by Gary Naylor
Farmers Weekly article by Mike Abram exploring four carbon calculators
Rewilding report
Where does rewilding sit in the future of food and agriculture? Rewilding is a contested term, described by some as laying a foundation for global biodiversity restoration and by others as a threat…
Preview of paper
Scientific Paper by Rob Bramley, Simon Cook and colleagues in 'Agronomy for Sustainable Development' 2022.