Accounting for fertiliser and grain/oilseed prices, it calculates the adjustment in the amount of nitrogen to apply to cereals and/or oilseeds crops.
UKSO Map Viewer
The UKSO map viewer is easy to use and has some of the most accurate and comprehensive available to view and use for free!
Soil type map of UK
Soilscapes is a 1:250,000 scale, simplified soils dataset covering England and Wales.
Grasscheck logo
Grasscheck Bulletins provide up-to-date information on the state of grass growth in Great Britain
Nematodirus Forecast Map
The forecast predicts the hatch date for nematodirus based on temperature data from 140 weather stations throughout the UK and should be used in combination with your grazing history (more below) to…
Public Goods Tool
  The Public Goods Tool (PG Tool) has been in constant use since its creation in 2011 (
Rural Landscape
Create IPM plans for your farm
Slurry Store
Our slurry wizard helps you work out slurry storage requirements, explore options and comply with regulations.  
Crop net margin sensitivity analysis tool
Enter your crop costs and see how different yields and prices will impact the crop net margin
Best 4 Soil Decision Support Tool
Healthy soils are important for the future of crop production in Europe and healthy crop rotations are a pre-requisite to maintain, improve or restore soil health. Nematodes and soil-borne pathogens…