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The condition of soil on livestock farms directly influences the yield and quality of grass and forage crops, animal performance and profitability.
Managing nutrients for Better Returns
Nutrient management can often be forgotten on beef and sheep farms, yet there is considerable scope to reduce costs and improve output through the use of home-produced and bought-in nutrients.
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Improving existing buildings or designing new builds to the best standards has a lasting and positive impact on animal health and productivity.
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Driving feed efficiency is crucial in all beef growing and finishing systems. 
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Grass grown for silage has different needs to grass grown solely for grazing.
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Lameness is a serious cost to the sheep industry.
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Managing ewes correctly throughout the year is vital for generating the highest possible output from any sheep enterprise.
Get the most you can from grazed grass and silages.
Encyclopaedia of pests and natural enemies in field crops
The encyclopaedia provides at-a-glance information on the pests and natural enemies associated with cropping systems.
Organic Manure
At a time when sustainable agriculture and environmental stewardship are vital, improving the nutrient use efficiency (NUE) of organic manures is a crucial goal.