Harvesting the Pulse-PEP trial
An update from the Allerton Project at the end of year one of our bi-cropping trial 
Bean crop
Soil health is an integral part of sustainable farming practices for generations to come.
This site offers free access to Proceedings from over 50 years of BCPC Conferences and Symposia dating all the way back to 1954; over 100 Technical Reports from the Weed Research…
Pest & Disease Survey Logo
Explore pest and disease data and information collected over 50 years with the Defra Pest & Disease Survey website.
Poppies in flower
This project was carried out in order to increase understanding of the risks to British agricultural and amenity sectors from existing and future cases of herbicide resistant…
Trial Plan
'The NCS Project fits perfectly into our business as we hope that our well looked after soils grow healthy and profitable crops, and being a pulse pioneer is a great way to test…
Trial Plan
Year 1 -  Growing C1 for C2 Lynx S Beans in an Organic system and looking at 4 trials covering untreated area and 3 plots using various permitted products. 
/The trial plan is being carried out in a field of VESPA Winter Beans.  1 tramline will be treated with QLF Boost and the second will be treated with LEVEE.  Tramline 3 will have…
2024 Trial Plan
We farm 280 hectares of organic arable land in North Northumberland. We grow wheat, barley, oats, beans & clover. As a seed merchant, Smales Organic Seeds, we process a lot of…
Report Cover
The alternative protein industry could be game changing.