Report Cover
This paper from Small World Consulting feeds into the contentious debate surrounding how best to enable the UK’s farming and land use to evolve in light of the climate and…
Soil in hands
Estimating soil nitrogen supply (SNS) is an important step in nitrogen (N) decision-making for arable crops.
Wheat Crop
This document from SRUC summarises scientific and practical information on characteristics to consider when selecting varieties for organic farming. The information is based on…
Soil and Worm
This video and factsheet have been produced as part of the Best4Soil Network.
In this case study, we describe field investigations of liver fluke risk to livestock associated with grazing under two different agri-environmental schemes and discuss best…
Tractor spraying field
This report is a comprehensive literature review of weed control options, on a national and international level, that could benefit UK crop production in horticultural crops,…
Cover Crop
Cover crops are grown primarily for the purpose of ‘protecting or improving’ between periods of regular crop production. There are four main types of use including; improving soil…
Tractor cultivating field
The review assessed, through international literature, the incidence and impact of soil compaction in cropping systems. Primarily the compaction studied is that imposed by…
Cows on multi-species sward
This farmer-led project investigated the feasibility and practicality of incorporating multi-species swards on Northern Ireland commercial beef and sheep farms. 
Lamb and Sheep
Scientists based at Rothamsted Research have found a clear link between the weight of lambs early in their life and subsequent meat quality – which is good news for consumers,…