These factsheets produced as part of the Best 4 Soil EU thematic network provide practical information on the use of compost on farm.
Our trial in Essex
The aim of our small plot trials is to assess the beneficial effects of pulse and legume crops on successive non-leguminous crops, such as cereals, across the rotation. For this…
Report Cover
With the improvement of smartphone imaging quality (hardware side) and advances in image analytics (software side), there is currently a dynamic development intending to provide…
Wicklesham Estates trial layout
A trial to compare the overall effect on the rotation of a bean crop. The field has been planted with spring beans (Vincent) and winter wheat, following 2yrs of AB15 Countryside…
Bringing together a vision for achieving the shift towards bean-rich diets.
Six Simple Steps to Regenerative Agriculture
This book­let has been designed based on the prin­ci­ples of Inte­grat­ed Farm Man­age­ment (IFM) and high­lights six sim­ple steps to sup­port you in imple­ment­ing regen­er­a­…
Booklet Cover
The recognition of the nitrogen (N) fixation, benefits in forage quality and animal performance of grass-white clover pastures has led to a resurgence of interest.
Dairy Beef 500
These factsheets give advice and guidance on a range of key technologies for successful production of dairy beef.
Managing Peatland
The FarmPEAT Project EIP is a pilot project funded by the EU Recovery Instrument Funding under the Rural Development Programme 2014-2022. 
Herbal Ley
Multi-species grassland leys in crop rotations can improve soil quality and nutrient efficiency, particularly with legume inclusion, which enhances nitrogen availability and…